Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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Diary file for Pushy (Pushy I, PushyPlus, Pushy II, (III/IV?))
I'm keeping notes, so's anyone can see what an embarrasingly long time
this game took to put together. There're oodles of reasons for this:
(1) It's my first big Arc program
(2) I've got to write map editors, etc as I go
(3) Acorn's documentation is so APPALLING!
(4) This is strictly weekends only, and then only if there's nothing else
on (eg - Wimbledon, Wolfenstein)
I chickened out of including it with Pushy I, so the whole thing's going
in Pushy II.
Dear Diary
30-4-94: Start. Design a rough chite in Paint. Grab as raw data.
Print it on screen.
7-5-94: Print 20*12 map. Add border timer. Repeat every fly until Keypress.
14-5-94: Put a masked sprite on. (general routine, with bleed). Flips screen.
21-5-94: Multiple sprites. Object table.
Objects keep moving till they hit a 16-boundary. Solid Walls.
Solid packing cases. Level complete check.
*** And that's the game finished! (allegedly) ***
28-5-94: Time out. Need a map editor.
... Tydirium, the desktop map editor, coming soon (?) to a PD lib near you! ...
20-8-94: Back again. 10+ levels designed.
28-8-94: Proper sprite frames (all in Paint). Lots and lots and lots of them.
9-10-94: A little bit of sound research.
16-10-94: 25 maps in & tested. Nice Charset ("Splash" font from Artworks)
22-10-94: Collate levels into one big file. Level name print. Bonus countdown.
26-10-94: Midweek: Put in a temp frontend for the show
*** "RELEASE" #0.01 *** Demo showing at the AU London Show ***
5-11-94: Time off from Wolfenstein... Text/Fade Colour tables
26-11-94: FishNet floppy disk labels!
4-12-94: Wipe fades in/out & glass menu boxes
11-12-94: Passwords
18-12-94: Score, Highscore. Finished bar the SFX.
30-12-94: Sound. Also the "Screen160" module.
7-1-95: Plugged SFX into game. Tidied Up. Finished. Wahey!
15-1-95: Mastering program (ie - copy everything bar the source to a floppy)
Hi res !sprites sprite
*** RELEASE #1.00 *** Datafile Cat#24 and GA059 ***
16-4-95: "Level load" capability for PushyPlus
...Tydirium now has proper Risc-Os Load & Save...
*** "RELEASE" #1.01, AKA "PushyPlus", sent off to a couple of people ***
7-5-95: AU Show, and Pushy's rave (well, good, anyway) review. (AU June '95)
(Also, release of the Risc-PC-only "Fire" demo)
3-6-95: ArtWorks-ed lego level graphics for Pushy II
17-6-95: Regrabbed FishNet logo in 24 bit, & mapped down to 256 cols
with ChangeFSI. Much better.
...Huge gap in schedule while I get Tydirium up to spec...
19-8-95: FishNet tee-shirt!
10-9-95: Back to PushyII again. Wimp front end bit.
24-9-95: Auto screen-mode selection & return to Wimp.
Kill the caret so Zap doesn't get filled with keypresses on exit.
1-10-95: Artworks-ed the blob sprite.
8-10-95: Rest of the graphics. Multi-mode sprite prints.
"changed area only" update stuff ('cos hi-res 24 bit full screen
takes 3/50 sec otherwise!)
15-10-95: Tydirium -> PushyII multi-map grabber utility, in BASIC
Brief pause for a trip to San Francisco to get BRR working under
Windows '95: Hard life we games programmers lead, eh?
-Also means there's no way Pushy II's going to be demo-able at the AU show.
-In fact, it meant I didn't get to the show at all.
Plus on returning, Voyager had arrived, so I spent a couple/three/four
weeks messing about on the Internet. So work slows down a bit till the
Xmas break... (and indeed, during it...)
2-12-95: Error handling, Event handling. Keyboard up/down handling.
17-12-95: Solid wall detection & blob-animation selection
24-12-95: All the game's back in (pushing crates, etc)
30-12-95: The new hi-res font's almost there.
Grief, this is taking ages! I'm spending way too much time on the net & not
enough coding!
More delays for Tydirium, 'cos it needs to have "paint-brush" style editing
to be usable...
25-2-96: 25 rough levels.
More time wasting on the 'net... Oh dear.
24-3-96: 25 nice levels.
3-4-96: "Preview screenshot" of Pushy 2 & Tydirium on the Web site.
Yeah, ok, building the WWW site meant even *more* time wasting
I'll do some code soon, honest...
5-4-96: Ascii printing in hires,24bit.
Countdown timer & level name display.
Level complete check.
Bugger Bugger Bugger, the bloody StrongArm doesn't support selfmod code.
28-4-96: Vari-colour text in 24 & 8 bit modes
Gamma-correction fade on RPC
Wipe fade from P1 adapted for hi-res use for non-RPC
4-5-96: Front end screen printing, & copy the Pushy 1 menu structure...
16-5-06: I'm not going to miss *another* Acorn show to go to America.
So, no E3 for me! ;)
18-5-96: Glass boxes in 24 bit. It's not gonna be finished for this show, either!
19-5-96: Wakefield show. Pushy II previewed, briefly, on the Datafile stand.
Glass boxes in 256 hires, & lores.
...Right. Bank holiday weekend. Let's go to work...
25-5-96: Password input. StrongARM cache workaround (in theory).
26-5-96: SoundFX from P1. Score. Highscore.
27-5-06: Tweaks in movement speed. Text redraw only if necc. Error handling.
"Levels" menu created. level name check. hiscore reset on level change.
30-5-96: Checked on A3000. Good job too - The menus don't auto-width on ROS3.1
& mode 28 doesn't flipscreen!
1-6-96: Bug fix with ball stopping-distances.
*** RELEASE #2.00 *** (Website. FTP & PD Libs to follow)